Univ Planning and Development Office disseminates PBB and SUC Levelling targets
Published March 13, 2024 by CSU Piat-Information Office


To ensure that everyone is working toward the same overarching goals, the university team composed of some members from the Planning and Development Office, the University Technical Adviser, and the Vice Presidents convened CSU Piat’s designated officials and section heads to cascade the university’s SUC Levelling and PBB targets last March 13.
Before the cascading of targets for this year, Dr. Florentina Dumlao, University Technical Adviser, presented the point score of CSU in the different Key Result Areas to give an overview of the SUC Levelling 2019-2002 status.
On the other hand, the different vice presidents communicated the targets assigned to their respective offices, the share of the campus on these targets, and the possible strategies to help the campus meet these strategies.
Today’s activity is just a step towards creating a cohesive and focused organizational strategy for achieving the goals and targets of the university.